For anyone with any considerable amount of capital or property, the internet seems an almost hostile environment. It is a space where - to a large extent - one's wealth has much less sway than in the more material world of real objects and structures, printed media, and tangible, inviolable private space and property. Moreover, the internet has undermined intellectual property rights and exclusive access to information, the very institutions that allow those of advantaged position to maintain that position. Most of all, the internet is a neo-bourgeois space where the voices of the rational, enlightened few are drowned in a sea of mainstream noise. One might notice that there are countless many homeless vagabonds blogging in public libraries, while members of the enlightened "class" of property-owning men of reason rarely maintain blogs, especially of their own authorship. Those who do represent these perspectives - too often - prove beholden to special interests or personal agendas that undermine not only the quality of their content but the unity of their collective voices.
It would seem as though the powers of destruction will not be content until every last one of us becomes another homeless blogger whiling away in cyberspace; however, I firmly believe in the incontestable inequality of men. Never has competition between global elites been more fierce than in the present, and in a time when the need for cooperation is urgent. When Karl Marx said, "democracy is the road to socialism," he had precisely such a world in mind. This blog, in some sense, is an attempt to reconcile misguided differences, and although it will come at the personal cost of lost material advantage, my hope is that by generating a genuine public forum for society's disparate few, the collective gains will far exceed the sum of our individual losses.
So, when I say "going rogue," I certainly do not mean in the sense of the most recent display of sympathetic irrationality by the darling beauty queen of the Republican mainstream; rather, I mean truly breaking away from an alarming paradigm, which is that of individualistic fear-based public misinformation on the part of many of society's most powerful players in the highest ranks of the media. Although this description may make clear enough for those in the know who the target of my critique may be, I wish not to name names at present. Such an act at this juncture would undermine the goal of this socio-intellectual endeavor. Though I may critique individuals through my discussion of current events and pressing trends, know that the stick with which I strike is merely an olive branch of peace, a peace on the magnitude of something much greater than the force of my chiding twig.
What entitles me to speak authoritatively in such a manner? I have been well acquainted with the order of things for quite some time, and unlike many of my cohort that fell along the wayside ideologically, spiritually, and intellectually, I have remained firm in my belief that a rational, systematic and most importantly practical approach to any issue is always in the common interest. By applying this approach, I hope to bridge the tiny space between us in hopes that we may cross in safety to a more coherent future.
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